Board of Water Supply

The Board of Water Supply shall manage, control, and operate the waterworks of the county and all property thereof for the purpose of supplying water to the public.  Thus, the Board of Water Supply governs the Department of Water which is a semi-autonomous agency of the County.

The Board consists of seven members.  Four are at-large members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the County Council to staggered three year terms.  The other three members are the State District Engineer of the Department of Transportation, the County Engineer and the County Planning Director.

For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Water Supply, please refer to Article XXVII, Section 17.02. Kauai County Charter.

Meeting Time/Location:    9:00am, Dept. of Water - Board Room, 3rd Thursday of each month  

For more information on the Board of Water Supply and the latest Board Meeting Agenda, please call 808-245-5406.


2023 Kaua`i Board of Water Supply Members

Board Chair - Kurt Akamine

Board Vice Chair - Julie Simonton

Board Secretary - Tom Shigemoto

Board Member - Micah Finnila

Ex-Officio, Planning Director - Ka'aina Hull

Ex-Officio, County Engineer - Troy Tanigawa

Ex-Officio, State District Engineer - Lawrence Dill
