Committee on the Status of Women
The Committee, along with the Hawaii State Commission on Status of Women (HSCSW) works for equality for women and girls in the state by acting as a catalyst for positive change through advocacy, education, collaboration, and program development.
The Committee on the Status of Women consists of nine members. Seven are at-large members appointed by the Mayor to staggered four year terms. Two are ex-officio members, the County Attorney and the County Representative on the State Commission on the Status of Women.
For more information about the County Commitee on the Status of Women, please refer to this link: Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 367-4.
For more information about the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women and the available resources, please refer to this link: State Commission on the Status of Women
Meeting Time/Location: 5:00pm, Boards & Commissions Conference Room, Pi`ikoi Bldg. Ste. 300, 3rd Wednesday in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November.
For more information on upcoming meetings, please refer to the calendar on the Boards and Commissions home page.
- Emma White, Chair
- Sara Miura, Vice Chair
- Regina Carvalho, Treasurer
- Darcie Yukimura, Secretary
- Lori Barrett
- Jennifer Hill
- Monica Kawakami
- Edith Ignacio Neumiller, Commissioner, Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women Kauai Representative
Browse & search archived Committee on the Status of Women documents, including agendas, meeting minutes, and more
Archived News, Resolutions, Reports and more
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The documents on this webpage are being provided as a courtesy and a public service by the County of Kauaʻi. Users should confirm the accuracy with the official copy available at the Office of Boards and Commissions. While the County of Kauaʻi will strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, those people needing an official, accurate and up-to-date copy of documents on this webpage should obtain a hard copy from the Office of Boards and Commissions.
Contact Information
Committee on the Status of Women
c/o Office of Boards & Commissions
4444 Rice Street, Suite 300
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4919