Liquor Control Commission

The Commission controls, supervises, and regulates the manufacture, importation, and sale of liquor within the county.  To this end, the Commission grants, refuses, suspends and revokes any license for the manufacture, importation, and sale of liquors; investigates violations of liquor control laws; hears, and determines all complaints and citations regarding violations of liquor control laws and imposes such fines or penalties as may be provided by law upon conviction thereof; and adopts rules and regulations having the force and effect of law.

The mission of the Liquor Control Commission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Kauai County by effectively and fairly enforcing Federal and State laws and County liquor rules as they apply to the manufacture, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

The Commission consists of seven at-large members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the County Council to staggered three year terms.  For more information on the additional requirements of the members, please refer to Hawaii Revised Statues, Chapter 281-11.

For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Liquor Control Commission, please refer to Article XXVI, Section 16.04. Kauai County Charter.

Meeting Time/Location: 1:30pm, Boards & Commissions Conference Room, Pi`ikoi Bldg. Ste. 300, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month

For more information on upcoming meetings, please refer to the calendar on the Boards and Commissions home page.


  • Paul Endo - Chair
  • Leland Kahawai - Vice Chair
  • George Matsunaga
  • Lorna Nishimitsu
  • Chad Pacheco
  • Tess Shimabukuro

Browse & search archived Liquor Commission documents, including agendas, meeting minutes, and more


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