Division of Purchasing
The Division of Purchasing is tasked with the responsibility for all informal and formal procurement of Construction, Goods and Services for the County of Kaua‘i. In addition, our Division is responsible for: Contract for services, small purchases involving materials, supplies and equipment; leases, rent, and the acquisition of real or personal property; maintain control of all surplus County equipment and process all inter-office and incoming/out-going mail, and postage.
The primary vision of our division is to ensure full and uncompromising adherence to the requirements of the Hawaii State Procurement Code and associated administrative rules. Of equal importance is to continue to pursue and develop an aggressive strategy and philosophy to harness all available technological resources in order to better enhance our service delivery to both our internal and external customers.
Record Requests
To submit a request to access a Purchasing Division record, please fill out the appropriate form, which can be accessed via the following link, http://oip.hawaii.gov/forms/. The completed form should be emailed to Division of Purchasing, at COKPurchasing@kauai.gov.
The Division of Purchasing is committed to providing ethical, compliant, and responsive procurement solutions for the County of Kauai. If we do not meet your expectations or have any suggestions on how we can improve our operations, we'd love to hear from you.
Please submit feedback to cokpurchasing@kauai.gov
When is the Annual Public Auction?
The Annual Public Auctions are usually held around September. For detailed updates please check the County Website for updates and announcements.
How do I request for a Bid or Proposal?
Effective September 2015, the Division of Purchasing, County of Kaua'i implemented a FREE and NEW electronic procurement (eProcurement) system in partnership with The Public Group, LLC using their product Public Purchase, a web-based, hosted, online eProcurement system service. The initial phase will be to solicit construction projects ONLY. If you are interested, you are invited to review the training materials and a preview of solicitations under the Public Purchase Solicitations Preview section on the Division of Purchasing page. The other types of procurement methods will be phased in gradually. Until fully implemented all other bids and proposals can be accessed via the County of Kaua‘i Division of Purchasing web site. Persons interested in viewing and/or printing a copy of non-construction bids and solicitations must submit an electronic registration that is accessible on the Bids and Solicitations page, The Request for Bid or Proposal Document. Upon completion of the registration, an email will be sent via automation to the registrant, which will contain a link where the solicitation can be accessed.
How do I register with Public Purchase?
******* ATTENTION VENDORS *******
Effective September 2015, the Division of Purchasing, County of Kaua'i implemented a FREE and NEW electronic procurement (eProcurement) system in partnership with The Public Group, LLC, using their product Public Purchase, a web-based, hosted, online eProcurement system service. Beginning July 1, 2016, in addition to construction projects, all Goods and Services solicitations will be posted on the Public Purchase website. If you are interested, you are invited to review the training materials below. The other types of procurement methods will be phased in gradually.
How do I find Hawaii State & County Government notices?
How do I get copies of past records?
Request Records
To submit a request to access a Purchasing Division record, please fill out the appropriate form, which can be accessed via the following link, http://oip.hawaii.gov/forms/. The completed form should be emailed to Division of Purchasing, at COKPurchasing@kauai.gov.
Records will be provided electronically only.
Contact Information
Ernest W. Barreira, M.S
Asst. Chief Procurement Officer
Office Location:
County of Kauai
Department of Finance
Division of Purchasing
4444 Rice Street, Room 303
Lihue, HI 96766
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday, 6:45 AM to 5:30 PM, HST
Phone No. (808) 241-4288
Email: COKPurchasing@kauai.gov