Life's Choices Kauai

Welcome to the Life’s Choices Kaua‘i Program (formerly called the Anti-Drug Program).
Our mission is to prevent drug and alcohol disorders on Kauaʻi; support the enforcement of local, state, and federal laws dealing with drug and alcohol abuse; promote substance use disorder treatment; and help system-involved individuals rejoin the Kauaʻi community as successful citizens, reduce recidivism, and improve public safety.
Life’s Choices Kauaʻi offers effective substance abuse prevention strategies, education, and programs that are school and community based. Learn more about our programs and see how you can get involved. Do you or a loved one have a substance abuse problem? Visit our resources to find information for help and assistance. Life’s Choices Kaua‘i is overseen by Coordinator Michael Miranda.
Adult and Adolescent Mental Health & Substance Abuse Community Program Grants
Contact Information
Diane DeHart
Life's Choices Kauaʻi Coordinator
Life's Choices Kauaʻi
County of Kauaʻi, Office of the Prosecuting Attorney
3990 Kāʻana Street, Suite 210
Līhuʻe, Kauaʻi, HI 96766
Tel: 808-241-4925
Fax: 808-241-6877
IG: @kauailifeschoices